Here at Black Friday Shopper, we provide a huge range of products and services through our simple and easy to use platform. Our website is designed to provide our valued users with all the information they need to find the best deals possible.
Then, we provide a wide variety of offers to help you compare each one side-by-side and get more bang for your buck.
As a shopping comparison website, our goal is to provide our readers with the latest prices, discounts and accurate product comparisons across a range of top retailers and household brands.
Our website is 100% free to use however we may earn revenue from advertisers on our site and commission from companies who feature in our comparison services. We are independent and do not recommend any particular products. The choice belongs to our customers and our job is to provide them with the information they need to make informed choices before purchasing online.
We strongly believe a smart customer is a happy customer. If you have any the information you need in one place, you can make the best decision for yourself and save as much as you can. This, in turn, builds trust and, hopefully, you will use us again for future purchases. We are constantly striving for improvement and are always looking for new and innovative ways to bring a better service to your screens.
The big one is to blow everyone out the water with our customer service and extensive line of products and services. However, we know we are a modest community, and it will take time to build our brand. The first step in our journey is to build a great customer base founded on a strong relationship, so we can grow slowly and steadily into one of the big boys.
Hashtag Business Centre
Office 04-071
Citygate Building
Port Saeed